10 Mar 2014

Space, Placemaking and Urban Design (SPUD) Competition

We made it!

A fantastic effort all round; Paul Colfer, Artist Casey Williams and myself not only managed to put together a competition entry for the SPUD  but on April 3rd we were published on the long list for the competition! 

We emerged through as one of the 20 teams to be long listed for the exhibition at Winchester Guild Hall where the projects were reviewed by a panel of 7. The judges included some high profile names such as Will Alsop and Bill Woodrow as well as five other distinguished professionals. The project was also mentioned on bdonline and the competition website that can be viewed in the links below:



The brief was an exciting one that asked its competitors to design a structure that would provide shelter for a number of artists to work in in-turns over a period of two years. The structure will move location up to 3 times  so needed to be demountable, easily moved on a lorry and potentially re-configurable to suit the needs and geography of the new site.

The nature of the competition required professionals within the design field to collaborate with an artist.; we worked  with Casey Williams, my little brother, whom has a BA Fine Art degree from University of the Arts London: Chelsea.

With our team of three in place the design process began with an exploration of the meaning of observation and in what ways it could be questioned through architecture. A denial plane that actually obstructs sections of a view was the outcome of a collaborative brainstorming session on how to increase the effects of observation with the following statement forming the concept for our design:

“The beauty of landscape and topography is somewhat elusive to those whom use it often and in a transient manner. Studio Obscura uses the power of denial to remove and distort views so as to render scenes beautiful that have since become ordinary through frequent use”

Over the next week or so I will post about the competition entry in more detail but for now I leave you with the two A2 boards submitted...

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